In Shaw Announcements
Announcements about eastern Shaw
Go to Truxton Circle for more up to date info. If you are looking for the irresponsible InShaw blog click here.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
GLOV Vigil
Friday, May 15, 2009
Historic Window Workshop
DC Preservation League would like to invite you to a Historic Window Workshop, Saturday, May 30th.
The workshop will discuss how to evaluate the condition of typical historic wood windows and the options for repair and replacement. What sorts of problems are reasonable to repair, and when does the deterioration warrant replacement? What improvements can be made to increase the efficiency of existing windows? Simple do-it-yourself repairs will be explained, as well as how to insure that work done by others is properly done. Included as well will be critical look at the selection and installation of replacement windows.
For more information or to register visit our website at
http://www.dcpreser pdf/windowworksh op.pdf.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Shaw Dog Park Celebration May 16
Friday, March 20, 2009
5D/4D Court Watch
Stolen from 5D listservGood Evening All:
Please attend the first 5D/4D Court Watch meeting at the Fifth District on
March 27, 2009, from 6-8 p.m. We will discuss community impact statements and
what we can do as citizens to ensure the Court supports our priority for
increased public safety. Representatives from the US Attorney's Office and
Superior Court will attend.
Our partnership with the US Attorney's Office and Superior Court will ensure
that we remain informed regarding the status of individuals that violate the
law and negatively affect our safety. All are encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Enjoy Local Food & Support Community Farmers
Join Common Good City Farm and Vegetate for a delightful evening of local fare, local flavors and local funk.
Enjoy Local Food & Support Community Farmers!
Monday, March 16
Happy Hour Specials on Drinks & Eats
A Fundraiser [$10 requested]
Proceeds go directly to Common Good City Farm
At Vegetate. 1414 9th Street NW
(across from the Giant, between o & P streets, near
mt Vernon sq/Convention Ctr. & shaw/Howard u
metro stations and the G2 9th & P bus stop)
RSVP recommended:
More info:
Seeking Adult Mentors!
Are you interested in making a difference in the life of a child? Consider becoming a mentor.
We are organizing a community mentoring program, in collaboration with Big Brother Big Sister, and Mentors Inc., for children ages 8-18 years old, in the LeDroit Park neighborhood of NW Washington DC. I’m currently seeking adult (21+ years old) mentors who are looking to make a difference in the life a child. Time commitment is one hour per week.
Please come to our community information meeting to learn more.
What: Community mentoring information meeting
Who: Adult mentors, 21+ years old, interested in making a difference in the life of a child.
When: Monday, March 30, from 6:30 - 8:00pm
Where: Florida Avenue Baptist Church
623 Florida Avenue NW
***Please note that you will have to enter the building via the rear entrance off of U Street, at the corner of U and Bohrer (one block west of 6th Street NW).
RSVP: Margot Hoerrner, 2/341 5686, hoerrner at gmail period com
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Neighborhood Clean up this weekend
Beautiful Streets
Saturday, February 28
10:00am – 12:00pm
Join your neighbors in our neighborhood clean-up.
DC’s Helping Hands will deliver supplies to 3rd and Bates at 10am to assist us in the clean-up.
Invite your neighbors and friends. Come out and meet some new ones too!
Friday, February 06, 2009
McMillian Area Development
From Jim Berry-
Neighbors, Below please find information about a couple of meetings that will be taking place over the next five days that are of significant interest to residents of our community. Best, Jim BerryBates Area Civic Association, Inc. Meeting 1: The Neighborhoods of EYA and Jair Lynch Development Partners.
Invite You To A
Community Presentation on
the Development of the McMillan Sand Filtration Site
Saturday, February 7, 2009
10:00am to 12:00pm
Trinity University Social Hall
125 Michigan Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20017
Vision McMillan Partners, the development team for the site, includes:
• Jair Lynch Development Partners
• StreetSense
• The Alexander Company
• Smoot & Urban Service Systems Corporation
Discussion Topics will include:
• Presentation of Revised Concept Plans Based on Feedback from the December 13th Community Meeting at Trinity - Will include Open Space, Historic Preservation, Mixed-Income & Multi-Generational Housing, Community Serving Retail and Restaurants, Job Creating Office Space, Hospitality, and Community, Education, and Cultural Space
• Key Community Issues - Context and Density, Traffic/Smart Growth, Infrastructure, Community Benefits, LSDBE Participation, Job Creation, Sustainable/Green Development, and Other Community Issues
Light Food and Parking Provided
For More Information, Contact:
Vicky Chambers, Office of CM Thomas, at 202- 727- 8204
John Basile, EYA, at 301- 634- 8600
Meeting 2:
North Capitol Street Cloverleaf Study Stakeholder Meeting -- Monday, 2/9/2009
North Capitol Street Cloverleaf StudyFebruary Stakeholder Meeting
Monday, February 9, 2009
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Pryzbyla Great Room A Catholic University Student Center
Purpose of the Study
1. Explore alternative intersection configurations for the cloverleaf at Irving and North Capitol Streets.
2. Develop strategies to improve the gateway qualities of North Capitol Street by including civic spaces, memorials, and enhancing the public streetscapes.
3. Develop recommendations for improving safety, connectivity and transportation operations.
Project Team
DC Office of Planning National Capital Planning CommissionDistrict Department of Transportation Stakeholder GroupThe purpose of the stakeholder group is to work with residents, institutions, businesses to help formulate strategies for the cloverleaf. For information on the North Capitol Street Cloverleaf Study and learn about upcoming meetings, visit or contact Howard Ways, DC Office of Planning, at (202) 741-5219, or howard.ways @ . For information on transportation studies, contact Gabriela Vega, DC Department of Transportation at (202) 478- 1458 or gabriela.vega @
Sunday, January 04, 2009
For Victims of the Jackson St Fire
Ward 5 Business Council Establishes Tawana Gantt Fund to Assist Victims and Survivors of Jackson Street, NE Fire
Washington DC - At the request of Ward 5 Councilmember Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr., the Ward 5 Business Council has established the Tawana Gantt Fund at Cardinal Bank to assist with funeral arrangements for Tawana Gantt and the five other family members who perished with her in the January 1, 2009 Jackson Street, NE house fire: Ms. Gantt's daughter, Kaniya, age four; Oscar Wilson III, age 11; Joseph Wilson, age 10; Keith Nelson, age 23; and Charles Smith, age 72.
Ms. Gantt, 22, was a dedicated employee in the office of Councilmember Thomas where she worked on constituent service and Ward 5 Business Council issues.
Check may be made payable to the Tawana Gantt Fund and sent to:
Tawana Gantt Fund
c/o Ward 5 Business Council
PO Box 90918
Washington, DC 20090
Funeral arrangements will be forthcoming.
"Tawana was a hard worker," said Councilmember Thomas. "She had an incredibly cheerful, positive attitude and willingness to lend a hand wherever and whenever needed. We will all miss her."
Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr. represents Ward 5 on the Council of the District of Columbia. Thomas chairs the Council's Committee on Libraries, Parks, and Recreation. He sits on two additional committees: Health and Workforce Development and Government Operations.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
MPD seeks information - Homicide Victim: Durval Martins
Please see the attached flyer regarding the homicide of Durval Martins, which occurred early this morning. Feel free to redistribute or post this flyer, as MPD seeks information on this incident.On Tuesday, December 16, 2008, around 3:06 am, Durval Martins was shot and killed while at the intersection of 11th and Q Streets, NW. The Metropolitan Police Department seeks the public’s assistance in gathering information regarding this incident.
The case is under investigation by members of the Department’s Criminal investigations Division, Homicide Branch. Anyone with information about this case is asked to call Detective Paul Regan on 2/425-5563 (cell) or 2/645-0472; Detective Doug Carlson on 2/486-0233 (cell) or 645-6360; or the Command Information Center (CIC) at 727-9099. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call 1-888-919-CRIME (888 919-2746). Anonymous information may also be forwarded to the department’s TEXT TIP LINE by text messaging 50411.
The Department currently offers a reward of up to $25,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for any homicide committed in the District of Columbia. Your assistance is appreciated by your community.
Matt W. Ashburn, Auxiliary #1314
Special Liaison Unit
Executive Office of the Chief of Police
Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department
1369-A Connecticut Avenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036
E-mail: matthew dot ashburn at
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday Meeting for Concerned BACA people
At Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, 7-8:30 pm tonight, October 20, concerned citizens of the Bates Area are meeting with Commander Green to discuss public safety matters of the community -- holes in the Florida Park fence, etc.
from -Anita Bonds
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
24 hour drawing project
This Friday, the Warehouse Theater & Gallery in Washington, D.C., will host the fifth occurrence of the 24-Hour Drawing Project, an international collaboration between Kendall Nordin and Hannah Bertram.
Conceived and first performed by Nordin and Bertram in Melbourne, Australia, in 2005, the project involves a group of artists who work for 24 hours in a row. During the project's duration, the working space is open to the public.
There is no exhibition after the conclusion of the event.
The artists involved are not obliged to "draw" in the traditional sense. They may instead work on any act of art involving what the project's founders call "intensive attention or effort." The atmosphere will be what you, the visitors, make of it.
Please join us for this endurance art experience.
The 24-Hour Drawing Project
Friday, Oct. 10, 10 a.m. thought Saturday, Oct. 11, 10 a.m.
Free and open to the public
The Warehouse Theater
1017 7th St NW, Washington, DC
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Street Sense Shin-dig
And for all those that don’t know, Street Sense is a nonprofit newspaper about poverty and social issues and it’s sold by homeless and formerly homeless individuals throughout the DC area. Our mission is to empower homeless people with a voice and income and educate the public about issues not often covered by the mainstream media. You can find out more about us at
Movin’ On Up
Street Sense’s Third Annual
Silent Auction & Reception
October 2, 2008, 7pm
Josephine Butler Park Center,
2437 Fifteenth Street, NW
Tickets start at $25 a piece for access to the auction, endless appetizers, beer and wine, and great fun with Street Sense vendors, board and staff.
For more info or to buy tickets, visit
Friday, September 05, 2008
BACA meeting 9/8/08
Agenda for the evening will include a presentation from:
Alexander Shawe, Director of Real Estate, KIPP DC
re. the KIPP Academy’s interest in the former J.F. Cook School Building
As well as status reports from the following committees:
Public Safety
Youth Services
Environmental Services
Monday, September 8, 2008
Mount Sinai Baptist Church
3rd and Q Streets, N.W.
Rooms 1 and 2
7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Ward 5: Foreclosure Counciling Today 9/5
Councilmember Thomas Hosts 19th Annual Harry Thomas, Sr. Family Day Event Features Housing Counseling Services in Response to Ward 5’s High Foreclosure Rate
On September 5, from 4 pm until 10 pm, Ward 5 Councilmember Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr. will host the 19th Annual Harry Thomas, Sr. Day. The event honors the legacy of Councilmember Thomas’ father, the late Councilmember Harry Thomas, Sr., and celebrates his commitment to strengthening families and communities.
This year, in response to the skyrocketing number of foreclosures in Ward 5, Councilmember Thomas has joined with his colleague, Councilmember Mary M. Cheh, Chair of the Council’s Committee on Public Services and Consumer Affairs, to offer foreclosure and mortgage assistance at the event.
Representatives from the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking; Manna, Inc.; Housing Counseling Services; the Urban League; and Community Area Asset Builders (CAAB) will be on hand to meet with residents about their mortgages. Harry Thomas, Sr. Family Day will also include a neighborhood barbeque, music, softball games, a moon bounce, and boxing under the stars.
"Families facing foreclosure can benefit tremendously from knowing all of the options available to them," said Councilmember Cheh. "In some cases, refinancing or help from charitable organizations might be enough to help some families keep their homes. We want to do all we can to assist our neighbors in distress."
"I am appreciative of Councilmember Cheh’s assistance in providing housing counseling services at Harry Thomas, Sr. Family Day," said Councilmember Thomas. "In 2007, 523 Ward 5 families received notices of foreclosure. I can’t think of a better way to honor my father’s memory than by helping residents save their homes."
Event details are as follows:
Who: Councilmember Harry "Tommy" Thomas, Jr. (D-Ward 5) and Councilmember Mary Cheh (D-Ward 3)
What: 19th Annual Harry Thomas, Sr. Family Day
Where: Taft Recreation Center, Dwight Mosley Athletic Field, South Dakota Ave. and Perry Street, NE
When: 4 pm to 10 pm, Friday, September 5, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
BAA Picnic
| THE |
| Regular Yearly Picnic |
| of the |
| Blagden Alley |
| and |
| Naylor Court |
| Peoples |
| |
| Saturday, August 23, 2007 |
| Historical, Brick-Paved |
| Naylor Court |
| 6:00pm-9:00pm |
| (See map in newsletter) |
| |
Frivolity, or an approximation.
Door Prizes (lots!).
Good weather.
Real people (us!).
The announcement with more details is at
(OK. It's the same flyer as last year, with a minor updates.)
Please note: We do need a fedw more tables and can always use chairs.
If you can help, please do.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Dc Library Lit Group
The D.C. Public Library and the literacy advocacy group D.C. LEARNs will host our 5th Annual Adult Literacy Volunteer Fair on Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, 901 G St. NW in the Great Hall (Main Lobby). The event will feature representatives from numerous literary organizations in the city, who will counsel prospective volunteers on the programs, training and opportunities available, whether it's helping adults learn to read, earn a GED or grasp the basics of English as a second language. For more information and to RSVP, call Ben Merrion at 202-727-2431 or e-mail by September 8th.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tomorrow- Library Speak Out
There will be a speakout and read-in in front of the Shaw Giant, this
Saturday from Noon to 2pm (sorry for the late notice). Here's the 411
Here's what precipitated such >>
Here's what the ANC has expressed about the library design process for
the new Shaw library >>
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Republican Press Release RE: Family Services Head
Press Release
For Immediate Release
July 23, 2008
Contact: Paul D. Craney
DC's Child & Family Services Agency Deserve Better
Washington, DC: Yesterday, DC's Attorney General Peter Nickles defended the appointment of Mr. Roque Gerald as interim director of DC's Child & Family Services Agency. Mr. Gerald comes with baggage as recent revelations point that in 1989 Mr. Gerald who is a psychologist had sex with a suicidal and depressed patient in his office, who later sued him for damages. Mayor Fenty directed media questions to Mr. Nickes.
"Would a bank hire a bank robber, no. Why is Mr. Gerald being appointed for a position in which he is disqualified for?," stated Robert J. Kabel, Chairman of the District of Columbia Republican Committee.
"Having the Attorney General answer calls to the press about a questionable political appointee instead of helping to prosecute the criminals in the Trinidad neighborhood is waste of valuable resources," concluded Kabel.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Fundraiser at the Space
Happy Hour to Benefit Nonprofit
Working to Increase Access to Medicine in Low-Income Countries.
Wednesday, July 30, 6-9:30pm, at The Space (903 N St. NW)
with live music, free appetizers, and drink specials.
On Wednesday July 30th, Peter Maybarduk, a talented songwriter and performer, will play at DC's cool new venue -- The Space, 903 N Street NW -- a loft-style lounge with outdoor patios.
The event -- a happy hour reception from 6pm to 9:30pm with live music, free appetizers, and drink specials -- will benefit Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), a nationally-recognized nonprofit that works to increase access to life-saving medicines in developing countries.
The cause is unquestionably a worthy one: 10 million people die each year from diseases with available treatments -- often because the cost of the drugs makes them inaccessible.
Sadly and ironically, many of those unaffordable medicines are the product of publicly funded research carried out at universities. UAEM is a coalition of students at over 40 top research universities in the US, Canada, and the UK, who are committed to increasing access to medicines in low-income countries -- particularly those medicines that are the result of discoveries in university labs.
(The organization does this by increasing universities' awareness of the impact of their technology transfer policies on access to medicines in developing countries and working with universities to implement improved policies and practices. For your information, I am attaching a fact sheet that details a number of the organization's accomplishments.)
Donations will be collected at the door, and all monies will go directly to UAEM, which is a 501(c)(3) organization.
For more information on UAEM, check out
To get a visual and description of The Space, go to
To learn more about Peter and hear some of his work, visit
The invite notes, the suggested donation is $35, but no amount is too small. $5 or $10 donations are welcomed and appreciated!
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