Tuesday, March 07, 2006

BACA meeting 3/6/06 part 1

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Representatives from Police 5D spoke
Lt. Dean Welch and two other officers from 5D showed up. He is new to the 5th district as I understood it, with a background in narcotics. He understands drugs. He can be reached at dean.welch@dc.gov or 202 698 0268.
He also mentioned that he has 501 divided even further into different sections. Truxton is in 5015. The spot between Rhode Island Ave and Florida Ave is 5014.

Alice from CSOSA spoke. I really didn't write anything down.

Mary Ann of the Membership committee spoke. 1 new committee member. Flower Power. Garden club. Need more people.
There will be a meeting Monday, March 20th at 7pm at Mary Ann's house at 74 Bates Street, NW. Her number is 328 0389.
You don't need to be a member of Flower Power to be in the Garden Club and anyone can join. Dues for the Garden Club (not the same dues as for BACA) is $15. This money serves as seed money.
Besides Flower Power there are other projects, such as working with the 5th and 6th grades at Cook and a community garden at Bates and North Capitol.
Art of the Land Use, Planning and Development Committee spoke. 2 new members.
I really didn't take notes on this. Something about trash being thrown by the Clear Channel billboards. There was some discussion about this.
I have a cryptic note about a subcommittee on greenspace. Then Alice volunteered CSOSA to help with clean up so the CSOSA parollees can do their community service.
The beauty salon proposed for New Jersey Ave will be going before the BZA (#17437) Tuesday.
I failed to listen to the BZA hearings on the web for this so I have no idea.
The ANC did approve of the concept of a beauty shop. Art said he did ask Teklu about waste disposal, disposal of chemicals and hair. She said she would not have big neon signs. Jim Berry added that Ms. Teklu is moving her current business from Adams Morgan due to rents and whathave you. She will have 4 chairs.
Someone noted that they never got a notice about the petition for a zoning variance and they are 200 feet from the business. I should note that Jim did send electronic notices regarding the business, but never heard from anyone regarding it. Also Jim mentioned that BZA hat initially sent her to ANC2something.


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