Neighborhood Research
I am happy to work where I work. I have access to things. Things like ILL (interlibrary loan) and our own library and paid databases.
What began as research on my house became research on my neighborhood. With that I got it somehow related to my work. Black people, I'm researching black folk, yeah... So I don't feel guilty doing it. Supposedly it will be an article for Washington History in 2004 hopefully.
Well as hinted the research gods hated me this weekend. I was looking at the 1930 census (the plan, work backwards from 1930 to 1870) and tried to copy the microfilm. The copier was low on toner. SO the staff person had to take the toner cartrige out, shake it, and put it back in. This action was good for 1 or 2 copies. I had several pages.
I thought, forget this, I'm heading to the Washington Historical Society..... they don't have the 1930 census, they only go up to 1900.
Can't go to the National Archives downtown.... research room is closed for 2 weeks.
Research gods hate me, and they hate Truxton Circle.
The thesis of the paper/project? Tracking demographic trends in the neighborhood. So far, as I have done a little from 1890 to 1900 to 1930 and read up on DC history, I've seen some things. There is some over crowding. In my house in 1900 there were 11 people in the house. Please note my house is 14 feet wide and only 2 bedrooms. My block, so far, nothing but rental housing. This is a trend. As a homeowner this is disturbing as I have known of some bad cheap landlords.
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
History, me complaining, history, stuff about the immediate hood (Truxton Circle) and the surrounding neighborhood (Shaw), gentrification, demographics, and some more history.
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