Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A lot of good stuff coming to Eckington

First there was the news of EC-12 the firehouse, slated to become a sit down neighborhood joint. Then there was news of Big Bear. Followed by news of a bakery. 2006 or 2007 is looking really good for the other side of Florida Avenue.
What does TC have? Well, one hoped for project fell through but really. The firehouse and Big Bear are like 100-200 feet away from the Truxton-Eckington border. On the discussion board someone mentioned a bakery on North Capitol that's been around forever. The only problem, it just doesn't look like they want to sell me baked goods. Now I'd buy your baked goods if you really want to sell me your baked goods AND if it like them. But if you don't want to sell me your baked goods then, oh well. I mean print up possible hours of retail operation, stick it on the door, maybe get one of them orange OPEN signs. Oh, and shoo away the loiterers. Am I asking for too much?


At 3/15/2006 9:24 AM, Blogger Scenic Artisan said...

there was talk of a tavern coming to north cap, on the truxton side. hopefully this year.

At 3/15/2006 10:29 AM, Blogger Truxtonian said...

It's true that none of the "new" developments are going to be in TC proper. But, we're all one big happy neighborhood in the end right?

I was thinking the same thing about the new stuff and realized the biggest reason it's not going to be in TC is because we're almost totally residential (except for the carryouts, liquor stores, etc). The best space for retail is on our borders-- the larger and more heavily traveled roads. Unfortunately these split TC from the other areas which tend to have a little more retail-friendly space and a slightly higher density of, well, more affluent folks.

It's coming though... I'm not complaining about a 5-10 minute walk for dinner, good coffee or fresh bread.

So here's my question: what's going to happen to the carryout and liquor store space in TC eventually? What types of businesses could make best use of the space?

At 3/15/2006 10:45 AM, Blogger Mari said...

The tavern fell through.

At 3/15/2006 1:14 PM, Blogger Scenic Artisan said...

the tavern fell through!!??????

that's very sad.

At 3/18/2006 8:00 AM, Anonymous caro said...

Went to Catania Bakery around 7:30 am today (saturday). The gentleman who looked liked he run the place was named was nice. Anyway, he said that they were open after 7 and that it would be good to get there before noon if you are interested in getting any bread. They had about five kinds of rolls. Big fat rolls, long rolls, smaller rolls. price range per roll around 40-70 cents.


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