Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Winter Garden

November Garden
Okay what I got left is a little cilantro, a bunch of onions, some chard, some mint, a lot of other herbs and some salad. But the garden is pretty much shut down. I've hacked down the tomatoes, removed a lot of dirt from pots and bagged it for Spring. The compost is full and I've got to bag that too for Spring use.
The tomatoes I have in the window have been turning red and yellow, so I've been making a lot of tabbouleh with the cilantro, mint and onions still growing in pots. The chard is so small I'm not eating it as regularly as I had been. And I know from last year that I will be taking a few onions from time to time, making good use of thyme and maybe getting a few arugula leaves throughout the Winter.
Spring, come fast.


At 11/15/2006 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In addition to your blog (of which I've been an avid reader for some time), I also love your fence (judging from the picture in your post)!

At 11/16/2006 10:22 AM, Anonymous Thomasina Sanders said...

The gardens entropic appearance would get on my nerves.


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