Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Washington Post finally gets it

Praise be to G-d, they lost the 'neighborhood change' template all the reporters keep reusing to describe places like Shaw and Bloomingdale. In today's Post there is an article by DeNeen L. Brown "Change is Clear" in the Style section, page C1 about change in the Bloomingdale neighborhood centering around the image of Windows Cafe. The old template goes, setting black poor neighborhood, evil wealthy white people come in change things and displace the black people, tsk, tsk, tsk, and throw in the word 'gentrification' in a disparaging manner.
This article acknowledges that the changes have been made by both blacks and whites. Even better a black gay (okay I'm assuming gay) couple who restored a house are quoted. The whites in the story, have been in the hood for about 15 years, hard to call them newcomers. One of them, Scott Roberts, 52 year old SPF 10,000 guy, has some of the best quotes, which I may write about later. Really, those quotes are money, gems.
Good job all.

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At 10/03/2007 12:27 PM, Anonymous jimbo said...

Scott Roberts was quoted as saying 'poop' in the article. Heh heh.

At 10/03/2007 1:02 PM, Blogger Mari said...

What are you, eight?

Bloomingdale/Eckington is more hard core. In the TC poop/ crap occurs in the alley and slightly hidden spots, but then again Cyndi the Crackho will take a bath using your front yard spigot.

At 10/03/2007 2:29 PM, Anonymous rr 446 said...

i remember when brian logan bought the big place on the corner of 1st and Byrant or Adams just over 20 years ago. OMG you'da thought EVIL was happening and now when i drive by his place it's like oh that place.

At 10/03/2007 2:57 PM, Anonymous jimbo said...

Maybe it's been Cyndi the Crackho taking a bath in my goldfish pond this whole time...


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