When tranny hookers attack
From the Shaw Neighborhood Yahoo Group via the GLLU Newsletter (gllunewsletter@ gllu.org):
On 5/25/09, at approximately 2:30 a.m., members of the First District responded to a call for an assault in the area of the 600 block of K Street, N.W. According to the victim, he walked in the area confront the prostitutes in his neighborhood. As he was admonishing them, one of the women, who the victim described as a male-to-female Transgender individual, grabbed him between his legs and made sexual advances towards him. The suspect fled the scene prior to the officer's arrival, however her identity is known. The victim was not injured.
I had thought the development round there had removed some of the gals from the area, I guessed wrong. But then again I'm not over there at 2AM. The lesson here is keep a safe distance from the working girls, they fight back.
Labels: crime, glbt, other neighborhoods

WANTED: Robert Hannah "Rob"
DCist reports that an arrest has been made!

Robert Hannah, aka “Rob,” is wanted on an outstanding Felony Warrant for Voluntary Manslaughter in connection with the beating death of Tony Hunter which occurred at 8th & N Street, NW, in September 2008. Hannah is described as a 18-year-old black male (date of birth: 8/11/1990), 5' 7" in height, and 148 lbs. His last known address is in the 1100 block of McCullough Court, NW. He is known to frequent the area around 7th & O Streets, NW.
Download a PDF WANTED poster for distribution.The case is under investigation by members of the Homicide and Sexual Offenses Branch. Anyone with information about this case is asked to call Detective Jed Worrell on 202 645-9618 or 202 486-1596 (cell); Detective Jackie Middleton on 202 645-5501 or 202 497-4606 (cell); or the Metropolitan Police Department’s Command Information Center (CIC) at 202 727-9099. Callers wishing to remain anonymous may call 1-888-919-CRIM [E]. Anonymous information may also be forwarded to the department's TEXT TIP LINE by text messaging 50411
--originally posted 10/10/08
Labels: crime, glbt

Hate crimes and regular old muggings
Today coming home from work a neighbor told me that last night up the block a woman was attacked, and the guy who rushed out of the house to help the woman, also beat by the perps. Apparently, I failed to notice the various cops and the helicopter responding to the scene. Add that to other muggings and
gay bashing that I've heard of, this seems to be on the increase. However, I'm tempering it with the sense that things seem to get worse before they get better.
The good that I'm hoping that will come of this post is a reminder that you need to BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. For the love of Pete people too many people are walking along yakking away on cell phones, texting, and rocking out on ipods. I'm not saying live in fear, just be safe. Take a cab if you're drunk. Have your keys out when walking at night. Turn off the mp3 player or at least have one ear free to hear what's coming up behind you. Make the phone call quick and hang up. If you're walking with friends still remain aware.
We've been through this cycle before, let's work to bring back the sense of safety by becoming safe.
Labels: crime, glbt

New Blog
My next door neighbor B. has a blog. It's still new so he's feeling his way around.
Jimbo and I have been helping him grasp the concept and purpose of blogging, so when you visit be nice.
The main, and eventual purpose of
Bohemian Yankee in the Capital: Salty dog author talks history, sports, queer imagery and urban development is to promote two books that he has coming out, one on GLBT Hollywood and the other on stadium development in the District of Columbia. Of the two I'm more interested in the stadium book,
Capital Sporting Grounds as it tells of some of the wheeling and dealing of getting the RFK built, and the location of various other sporting venues in the city.
Labels: blog, development, glbt, neighbors

Report Stupid People
Alrighty, the notes for
the BACA meeting are up. User name: Thismeeting psw: neverhappened .
In there is a sizable bit about hate crimes. The thing I want to share on this side of the blog is that
Law & Order: Hate Crimes Unit, not just for gays. You can report incredibly stupid white people who use the N word, in the presence of Black people. Though being stupid is not a crime and saying stupid stuff is protected by the first amendment, you can report racial slurs (along with anti-homosexual-semitic-latino-etc) as an
incident to Hate Crimes.
Because of the diversity of the neighborhood and the tensions along various lines, even straight white middle class guys can be the victim of a hate crime. If the criminals attacking you mistakenly attack because they think you are gay/ latino/ whatever, you may be the victim of a hate crime even if you aren't gay/latino/whatever.
I'm doing this not because I want to promote victimhood, but I see it as a tool to bring more police attention to our area. We are a diverse area and there are forces that try to use that diversity against us, I see working with Hate Crimes as one way to deal with that which would undermine our unity.
The Hate Crimes Hotline is 202 727 0500.
In comments, be nice or be deleted.
Labels: crime, glbt

FYI- MPD's GLLU contact info
Because of a recent incident/crime that hasn't been reported in the paper (just to differentiate from those that have been reported in the MSM), I just want to provide these numbers for the Police Department's Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit. Even if it was just pushing or shoving or something like that, please consider calling, if only to help determine if there is a pattern developing in the area.
Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit
300 Indiana Avenue NW, Rm 5125, WDC20001
Phone: 202 727 5427
Pager: 1-877-495-5995
Fax: 202 724 4120
Labels: glbt
The white tee crew, even worse
Not only are they selling drugs and loitering,
they are blatantly calling Jimbo a f-gg-t on a regular basis, and Jimbo is not happy. And it's crap like that, that I've noticed what makes the easy-going types not so easy going. So expect him at the ANC meetings and getting involved to make the streets for the average bear.
Labels: crime, glbt, quality of life

Review of Jimbo's OMG party and Guyness
I came and I stayed until my voice started going hoarse and my natural dislike for crowded spaces kicked in. The chopped shrimp asian salad on a cucumber finger food was delish. And I had some decent conversations with people other than
Jimbo. Of course, it is always nice to talk to Jimbo.
One topic between Jim and I was guyness. Guy-ness has been on my mind since one young gay man made a remark to me that a gay roommate was equal to a female roommate. Ah, no. A gay man, still a guy.
For one you got the toilet seat. Jimbo and I debated the question of up or down. Jim claims men are doing women a favor by leaving the seat up. I say no, put the seat down. Jim countered with the problem of aim and waste liquids hitting the seat. The seat being up wasn't a problem when I was staying at Scott & Matt's because its their house, and they could have the seat up. But every so often I would experience this small disorientation when encountering a lifted seat. I got over it. Besides I'm back where if I walk into a dark bathroom there is a 99.99% chance the seat is down.
Another test of guyness is the girlie baby-shower. Jimbo failed to endure a full blown baby-shower. I think he said it was the moment where participants had to guess the circumference of the mother's abdomen, he left. Maybe that was too close to the trick question many a woman has presented to a man, 'Am I fat?'
Labels: glbt

East of 16th St, East of 11th, an observation
There are certain populations, manners, patterns... things I notice when I pass 16th Street, the great dividing line. I sometimes see the, I don't know what to call it, feeling or sense that I pick up on when I pass 16th shifting over to 14th St. Well, one Sunday ride from church, I noticed a gesture that I thought would be more 16th-17th St, maybe 14th, but to see it east of 11th, was something. Two gentlemen were walking arm in arm, obviously a couple, and apparently at ease with their surroundings. It's not the only, I still don't have a word for it, thing that I sense/feel (gad I'm hating my vocab right now) that has shifted over from Dupont past the magic 16th St barrier.
Labels: glbt, quality of life