Tuesday, May 15, 2007

BACA meeting on 5/08/07

Disclaimer: I'm typing this 1 week and 1 day and two glasses of $2 buck Chuck after the meeting. Keep your expectations low.
Got there late.
According to the 5D representative there are over 100 adult arrests in the 501 PSA each month. Well, that's what I'm hoping "100 adt adv arrests in PSA 501" in my notes mean. There is also "incommoding- blocking the sidewalk" which must have been the question about loitering laws in the District when there was the discussion about the Drug Free Zones. The Drug Free Zone is a temporary, 90 day, thing that disallows loitering, or something like that. One citizen was concerned that standing on the sidewalk yakking about an NBA game to a friend would get him arrested. The police (captain?) assured him that no, the police go after the known dealers when the Drug Free Zone thing is enforced.
"It is illegal to have a vehicle that isn't tagged and registered, even if it is in your backyard." -- I don't know what is all related to that note.

"Questions about alternatives"-- Okay this came from a woman I don't remember seeing from any other meeting berated the police representative about alternatives to arresting young black men. This went on for a while until other citizens began to personally attack her. Then our great leader Jim stepped in and my notes on that say "Jim- Realities. POV. Organized drug dealing, 'seducing young people'. Summer Safety program. Need for other city agencies to supplement what the police do."
On the personal attack, they questioned her if she had kids. The crowd was restless, understandable when one citizen takes up a significant amount of time. The view of the crowd was you can't put all the responsibility on the police.
Then there was a good amount of discussion on causes of crime, families depending on drug money, and drug dealers pursuing youth far more aggressively than the community.
That discussion took up a lot of the meeting as the rest of my notes are sparse, that or I just got tired of writing. Anyway Art Slater talked about land use and he pointed out the number of gas stations in the neighborhood. The representatives from the membership committee talked about the well attended tribute dinner for Jim Berry and mentioned the name of some of the sponsors. Sponsors like Busboys and Poets, the 4th St Crew (Karl & the gang), there were others....
Then material about North Capitol Main Streets was passed out. Such as a volunteer application form, a 'release' about a survey of N. Cap Street businesses and their 2007 accomplishments and goals. I have written " Tues June 6th NCMS hear public results of forum." I have no clue what that means in fuller terms.
Then the meeting adjourned and Jim tried to kick us out as we talked about what the heck the neighborhood is named.



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